Oaxaca! Tenotchtitlan! Teoxacoco! I dont know what made these Mexicans come up with such weird names... the only reason I can think of is to laugh at white people who try to pronounce them. Jejejejeje. I made a great discovery today... I found the spanish question mark on my keyboard ¿¿?¿? I think upside down questions are just great. ¿SO be prepared for lots of them in these entries?

Anyways, Oaxaca... right... umm... oaxaca... yes... above is the dominican cathedral and some cactus thing that I've decided is agave which is what people make tequila out of. Below is a photo of something that I am (unfortunately) more certain about. It's fried grasshoppers. ¿We ordered a dish of mixed Oaxacan specialties, and this mountain of grasshoppers comes out with it. Well, we dont like food going to waste so we each had some and its... how do I put it... its very salty and crunchy. Actually, if I didnt know that it was grasshopper I would have probably liked it.

We also went to MonteAlban, theres a mexican marching band passing the internet cafe now, and in MonteAlban there are ruins of the zapotec people I believe... which is all high and mountainy.

The town itself is nice enough... There were lots of banners from the local govt. resistance groups and on the last day there were trucks full of military going back and forth everywhere. I sat in on some demonstartion, just like the ones you read about. They played revolutionary songs, and some indian villagers came and brough letters from their villages about how the govt has mistreated them; such as giving the logging rights of one village to a paper mill who sawed down all their trees and gave them no compensation. I guess that from living in Vnam and Bahrain to me its a big step already that the govt lets them have these demonstrations. But apparently theres still a lot to be done...
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