First stop was Mayreau- the smallest of the inhabited Grenadine islands and (I say) the one with the most beautiful beach. Probaby that I have ever seen. What I love about these small islands is that they are all one-street villages of a similar size but being islands they've developed completely differently, almost in their own bubbles. And it was so interesting to see the little differences in each town and people that really aren't so far away from each other.
For example there's a large french influence in Union Island with lots of French people around (ok, lots is relative), some signs in french and even locals speaking it.
Anyways, back to Mayreau. We took the rocking ferry (bought from Norway, still complete with maps of the fjords) 4 hours down and docked on the little beachfront pier. Walked up the hill to look for Righteous- the friendliest Rasta in the world who has a cool little restaurant and guesthouse.
We felt right at home, after going night-swimming and shooting star watching we slept with a hurricane fan and the next morning sat out on our balcony to watch the little village of 200 people wake up. The same 3 cars drove around in a circle, my barber walked past and waved good morning. The kids went up the hill to the school where we could hear them singing songs.I love little village life.

Oh and then we went to the most amazing beach ever and spent all day wallowing in the sand, floating in crystal-clear water and exploring deserted beaches. Check out the photos and die of jealousy.

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