In-between all that I still gotta get through (often) 10 hour work days which are (strangely) not always filled with rainbows and unicorns. In fact I've discovered there are many different types of frustrations coming at you from hundreds of different angles; all very not fun to deal with. I am constantly amazed at how happy our guests are, and how normal we seem even though at the back of it all is pretty much constant chaos.
But things are improving... the next few weeks should be the turning point, either where everything explodes or things begin running smoothly cuz I'm actually gonna start making people accountable for their work, and proper work. Hopefully. Either way, it should be interesting times... and that is why at the end of the day I need to de-stress and go coconut bowling or tree painting.
Either that or I'm going crazy. But everyone in Bequia is a little crazy.
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