Yay. After getting a taste of the glamorous life of a data processor I now am Exectuive Vice Presedent of Airport Departures. Ooh yea. Giggedy Giggedy.
Ok, so I might have made up the job title, but I’m done with data inputting and that’s all that really matters. Today I was put on a project to increase guest satisfaction with the departures process. Simply put, I’m tasked to see if the hotel needs to add a person to stand at the airport all day and help leaving Ritz Carlton guests through their departure. So far I’ve spent the day opening car doors, carrying luggage, pointing to exits and getting strange looks. Then there’s also lots of sitting around and drinking coffee involved, so it’s ok by me.
Plus I’m my own boss (kind of) and I get to ride around in fancy cars all day. They have a Lexus with a built in seat massager and BMW whose seats move to take the shape of your body (sweeeeet).
ooooh nice. those cars sound comfy. i thought youve been doing that for ages??
Yea, i have, but ive only gotten around to posting it now.
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