Clearly, I have found the end of the rainbow... and unlike most people think it doesn't end at the end, but exactly halfway. And there is no pot of gold or leprechauns where it ends, but a colorful and tacky clothing store instead. Which makes perfect sense if you think about it...
June 5, 2010
# 28 Find the end of the rainbow
Clearly, I have found the end of the rainbow... and unlike most people think it doesn't end at the end, but exactly halfway. And there is no pot of gold or leprechauns where it ends, but a colorful and tacky clothing store instead. Which makes perfect sense if you think about it...
June 1, 2010
Guadalupe Part 2
It was great to see these smaller islands, both of which had music festivals going on while we were there so we got a good dose of beach, sightseeing and music too! In Marie Galante, a large crepe-shaped island we rented a scooter and scooted around the sugarcane fields to visit a rum distillery (hmm, I haven’t talked much about rum in the blog, but we’ve been making it a ritual to taste each island’s own, none of which have disappointed so far), more beaches (of course), little towns, des falaises (which took us about 2 weeks to realize its cliffs in French) and old towers and windmills.
Travel isn’t always fun and we had to get up the 2nd morning at 4:45am to catch the 6am ferry to the mainland where we’d get the 7:30 bus from Point a Pitre to Trois Rivieres (almost complete opposite side of Gwada) to then take the 9am ferry to our next island, Terre de Haut. Well, the only time it rained during these 4 days was in the 30 minutes it took us to scoot from the sleeping beach to the ferry, and believe me, it’s never fun to drive a scooter in the dark being pelted by cold rain while you’re half asleep and knowing that the only clothes you have are now fully liquid.
But we made it and were able to enjoy the sunny and Bequia-like Island. We like small islands so much that we decided to fly directly to the British Virgin Islands, which are a group of around 50 small sandy things near Puerto Rico for the rest of our Caribbean trip.
May 28, 2010
Guadalupe Part 1
After our amazingly productive stint in Dominica, where we hiked and walked and swam our way around the island, Guadalupe has been our recovery island.
The first few days were a whirlwind of absolutely nothing, covered in late mornings, wandering around cities and villages and from cafe to cafe. I blame it on a mixture of laziness, bad weather and good food. Luckily being part of France we indulged in good coffee, pastries, and baguettes. Oh how I love sandwiches. And armed with string, color pencils, books, cards, scissors and markers we amply entertained ourselves until the sun came back out and we hit the (now) amazing beaches of Guadalupe.
Tomorrow we take the ferry to some outlying islands for our first bout of beach sleeping (on ultralight travel hammocks which we finally found!) and in 4 days we should be dirty enough to be impermiable to mosquitoes!! hoorah!
May 11, 2010
Tha Nature Island
We often heard them boasting to us about its 365 rivers- one for each day of the year, the numerous hot springs, waterfalls, hikes and general greenness of the place. And its warranted.
You don't go to Dominica for the beaches simply because there are none. Believe me, we tried looking. Nothing but rocks. But the people are amazingly friendly, the place is insanely green and undeveloped (but still has good infrastructure) and there's enough hiking, river walking, hot springs, waterfalss and swimming to exhaust you indefnitely.
So we spent 8 days there doing just that, and wandering around little coastal villages, eating street food and trying the bush rum of this laid back little place.
Photos and more are coming soon!
May 8, 2010
In Fort-De-France (the capital of Martinique) I spent most of my time taking photos of the city walls in various stages of decay. Looking at the photos you may think that we spent our days wandering the city streets with baguettes under our arms (when in rome...), which is not too far from the truth, but we did even go to some amazing beaches did some great hikes, explored the countryside and hilltops too.
But what we loved most about Martinique is its Frenchness. Its officially a part of France and to us was the first actual city in almost a year. They have Carrefours, cheese, proper coffee, sausages, road signs, good sandwiches, public bathrooms, parks, cultural centers and MORE!!! Return to civilization has never been this good. We even went to a movie- Alice in Wonderland (not in 3D as we would have liked, but still in an actual movie theater!). Yep, the French life was sweet.
St Lucia Photos
April 25, 2010
St. Lucia
And I have 5 minutes of internet time. So for a very short summary:
Flight! Pitons, Soufriere- wooden fishing village, amazing palm huts, snorkeling with crazy coral colors, waterfalls, trees, mineral baths, bus, vieux fort, more bus, Castries, touristy north area, another small wooden fishing village with tiny houses of all different colors stuck in 1903. And with amazing food and friday night parties. Then add a lot of beaches, unbelievably HOT sun, rum, hitchhiking and a good dose of sitting on piers watching sunsets and that's been our St. Lucian experience so far.
Tonight we take the ferry over to Martinique and begin couchsurfing! Can't wait! I will put photos and write more (eventually).
April 18, 2010
#18 Sell Sea Shells by the Sea Shore
But we went ahead with it, and if we're gonna do something we do it properly, so we took an ad out in the paper and duly set up our sea-shell sale stand by the sea shore. With all 5 sea shells (and 5 books) for sale.
We made friends with the other sellers next to us and ended up donating our unsold shells to our neighbors. I promised them a prize if they managed to get them sold. They confidently told me that people buy weird shit. So true.
April 16, 2010
#24 Climb a mountain
April 13, 2010
Some long overdue accomplishments
#3 Build an amazing awesome sandcastle:
#18 Grow a pre-decorated Christmas tree

No decoration needed, this one came with lights and tiny Santas straight form out of the coconut! Its true I tell you!